Flower of Obedience
EPHESIANS 6:1-41 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.2 Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;)3 That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.4 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
E-4 The first thing comes into my mind at this time, is a little humble home built out in the country by the broom sedge fields, and some old apple trees standing around, where my father and mother and their little family lived, a little humble place indeed.
We were very, very poor. Daddy had a hard time. He was a–a very poor man. He worked for seventy-five cents a day in–in log wood. My father had a bad habit, drinking. I’m sorry to have to say that, but that’s true. And he–he… My father died in my arms. I seen my daddy work so hard, till when he would come in, his–his back would be sun burned until his shirt would be sticking to his back, and mother would have to take and clip the shirt loose from his back. I don’t care what he done. He’s my daddy. I’m not ashamed of my father. I love my daddy. He’s gone on today, but he’s still daddy.HERE.WE.HAVE.NO.CONTINUING.CITY_ LITTLE.ROCK.AR 50-0200
E-5 And young people, remember. If you’re fortunate enough today to have a daddy and a mother living, love them, honor them. The hour will come when you’ll think they’re the greatest people in the world, if you don’t now. And don’t never, little fellows, don’t never give this slandering word, “old man,” and “old woman.” That’s not the old man and old woman. That’s daddy and mother.
And some of these days when they go out of the room, in the casket, of flowers, you hear them lowered down in the ground, the pastor say, “Ashes to ashes and dust…” It won’t be the “old man” then. There won’t be the “old woman,” it’ll be, “Mother.” You’ll be wringing your hands and crying. That’s right.Now, while she’s a living, give her her flowers now, and give dad his flowers. That’s right. Now, and the best flower you could give them, is obey them. And that’s the first promise in the Bible, the first commandment with promise, “Honor thy father and mother: which may lengthen the days upon the earth that the LORD giveth thee.”
William Marrion Branham
Pastor Jack Duff