You Have An Inheritance

The title of this post triggers an excitement within my spirit. First of all having an inheritance means that someone thought enough about me, that they would consider leaving something special to me. Secondly, when hearing that you have an inheritance in generates a sense of expectation. Finally, there is no one that can take what has been designated for you. After reading this quote on Wednesday night I was moved to share it on the webiste. I trust it will bless you as it blessed us.

I used to oftentime wonder what’s the matter with the Christian church, they’re so scared of things. Why, you’ve got nothing to be scared about. The first word nearly Jesus said after the resurrection, “Fear not.” See, don’t fear. Don’t get scared. There ain’t nothing going to happen. Nothing can happen. Nothing can bother a Christian. Amen. Not even death itself can even touch the Christian. “He that heareth My words, and believeth on him that sent Me, hath Everlasting Life, and shall not come into condemnation; but has passed from death to Life.” Amen.
Death itself has no reign over a Christian. Christ died in our stead. Amen. What a marvelous… What–what a faith that ought to build up in the people, something that’ll toe the mark. You’ll never get nothing by being a little jellyfish Christian. No, sir. Did you ever see a jellyfish? You just hit him, he splatters all over everything. See? A jellyfish, you know what usually eats them? The crabs and things along the side of the seashore, comes up with his pincher and cuts him in two and takes him down, ’cause the jellyfish just lays there.
Brother, we need some Christians, not jellyfish, but with a backbone (That’s right.) that’ll stand. Oh, I don’t mean to fuss with people, but stand for your God given rights that Christ died for. Certainly. Not pushed around, we don’t have to be. No, sir. We got a–we got an inheritance. Amen. And our inheritance belongs to us. It’s your privilege to have anything that you inherited, through accepting Jesus Christ and dying to yourself. How marvelous. Yes, sir. Satan said, “Well, I’ll tell you what I’m going to do.”
“No, you ain’t going to do nothing.” That’s the way to talk back to him. Say, “I know my position in Christ, and you just might as well get away. I ain’t listening to you no more. I got an inheritance.”

William Marrion Branham

Pastor Jack E. Duff

3 thoughts on “You Have An Inheritance

  1. This message has a special place in my heart. For years, I think we all at a point in life thought we were not good enough to be God’s chosen people. No one can take our inheritance away. We all have the victory, to overcome whatever Satan tries to throw at us. Our heavenly father knew us before we were in our mother. I felt for years, I am nobody. Why does God even want with a person like me. But when you come to know the bible for yourself it changes your mindset. If it was not for His love, which is the greatest treasure of what one could possess. I didn’t know how to love myself for who I am. But now I realize that I am a child of a king. I may not be worth much but I know that I am loved and you have to know you are God’s most prized possession.

  2. Here is a quick word of encouragement. Whatever you are going through, always think positive in a negative situation. You see positive breeds positive. Positive thinking brings positive results.

    God bless you,
    Bro. Leeroy

  3. Always remember this. Our action towards a sickness, a rejection, failure, past hurt, and towards the promises of GOD, will determine our destination. Be quick to repent and forgive.

    God bless you,
    Bro. Leeroy

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